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- Investment Theory and Risk Management + Website
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- Nonprofit Fundraising 101: A Practical Guide to Easy to Implement Ideas and Tips from Industry Experts
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- A Companion to Creative Writing
- A Companion to Cultural Geography
- A Companion to Dental Anthropology
- A Companion to Digital Art
- A Companion to Economic Geography
- A Companion to Feminist Geography
- A Companion to Folklore
- A Companion to Gender Prehistory
- A Companion to Health and Medical Geography
- A Companion to Heritage Studies
- A Companion to Media Authorship
- A Companion to Media Studies
- A Companion to Moral Anthropology
- A Companion to New Media Dynamics
- A Companion to Paleoanthropology
- A Companion to Paleopathology
- A Companion to Political Geography
- A Companion to Reality Television
- A Companion to Rock Art
- A Companion to South Asia in the Past
- A Companion to the Anthropology of American Indians
- A Companion to the Anthropology of Environmental Health
- A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe
- A Companion to the Anthropology of Japan
- A Companion to the Anthropology of Politics
- A Companion to the Anthropology of Religion
- A Companion to the Anthropology of the Middle East
- A Companion to the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East
- A Companion to the City
- A Companion to Urban Anthropology DM
- A Contractor's Guide to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract
- A Guide to Teaching Developmental Psychology oBook
- A Handbook of Practicing Anthropology
- A Legal Guide for Student Affairs Professionals, 2nd edition (Updated and Adapted from The Law of Higher Education, 4th Edition)
- A Manual for Evidence-Based CBT Supervision
- A New Deal for Transport? - The UK's struggle with the sustainable transport agenda
- A Practical Guide to the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract
- A Practical Guide to the NEC3 Professional Services Contract
- A World Beyond Difference - Cultural Identity inthe Age of Globalization
- Able, Gifted and Talented Underachievers - 2e
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- ACA Addiction in the Family: What Every Counselor Needs to Know
- ACA Assessment of Client Core Issues
- ACA Boundary Issues in Counseling: Multiple Rolesand Responsibilities, Third Edition
- ACA Counseling Around the World: An International Handbook
- ACA Counseling Older Adults
- ACA Critical Incidents in Integrating Spirituality into Counseling
- ACA Culturally Responsive Counseling With Latinas/os
- ACA Cyberbullying: What Counselors Need to Know
- ACA Eating Disorders and Obesity: A Counselor's Guide to Prevention and Treatment
- ACA Ethics Desk for Counselors 2e
- ACA Family Violence: Explanations and Evidence-Based Clinical Practice
- ACA Harm to Others: The Assessment and Treatment of Violence
- ACA International Counseling Case Studies Handbook
- ACA Mastering the Art of Solution-Focused Counseling, Second Edition
- ACA Partners in Play: An Adlerian Approach to Play Therapy, 3rd edition
- ACA Stepping In, Stepping Out: Creating Stepfamily Rhythm
- ACA The Creative Arts in Counseling, Fifth Edition
- ACA The Creative Arts in Counseling, Fourth Edition
- ACA The Ecological Perspective in Counseling
- ACA Tough Kids, Cool Counseling: User-Friendly Approaches with Challenging Youth 2e
- ACA Using Technology to Enhance Clinical Supervision
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy & Mindfulnessfor Psychosis
- Acceptance and Mindfulness in Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Understanding and Applying the New Therapies
- Addiction - Evolution of a Specialist Field
- Addiction Dilemmas - Family Experiences for Literature and Research and their Lessons for Practice
- Addictive Disorders in Medical Populations
- Adjudication in Construction Contracts
- Adolescents, Parents and Social Development
- Advances in Human Palaeopathology
- Aerial Life - Spaces, Mobilities, Affects
- Africa's Information Revolution - Technical Regimes and Production Networks in South Africaand Tanzania
- After the Three Italies - Wealth, Inequality and Industrial Change
- Age Estimation in the Living - The Practitioner's Guide
- Aggressive Offenders' Cognition - Theory, Researchand Practice
- Aging and Mental Health, 3rd Edition
- AIDS, Sex, and Culture: Global Politics and Survival in Southern Africa
- Alcohol-Related Violence: Prevention and Treatment
- All in the Mind - Psychology for the Curious 3e
- Allah Made Us - Sexual Outlaws in an Islamic African City
- America and a Changed World - A Question of Leadership
- An Employer's and Engineer's Guide to the FIDIC Conditions of Contract
- An Introduction to Work and Organizational Psychology - An International Perspective 3e
- An Unsafe Bet? - The Dangerous Rise of Gamblingand the Debate We Should Be Having
- Anger Treatment for People with Developmental Disabilities - A Theory, Evidence and Manual Based Approach
- Anthropologies of Modernity - Foucault, Governmentality , and Life Politics
- Anthropology and Management Consulting - Forging a New Alliance
- Anthropology in the Public Arena: Historical and Contemporary Contexts
- Anthropology off the Shelf - Anthropologists on Writing
- Applied Anthropologist and Public Servant - The Life and Work of Philleo Nash
- Applied Cognitive and Behavioural Approaches tothe Treatment of Addiction - A Practical Treatment Guide
- Applying Psychology to Criminal Justice
- Applying Psychology to Forensic Practice
- Applying Theory to Educational Research - An Introductory Approach with Case Studies
- Arbitration Awards - A Practical Approach
- Arbitration Practice in Construction Contracts 5e
- Archaeological Semiotics
- Archaeologies of Materiality
- Archaeologies of Memory
- Archaeology of Asia
- Archaeology of Oceania: Australia and the Pacific Islands
- Archaeology Underwater - The NAS Guide to Principles and Practice 2e
- Arsenic Pollution - A Global Synthesis
- Articulations of Capital - Global Production Networks and Regional Transformations
- Asian Media Studies
- Assembling Export Markets - The Making and Unmaking of Global Food Connections in West Africa
- Assessing Adults with Intellectual Disabilities - A Service Provider's Guide
- Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning - The INPP Developmental Screening Test and Intervention Programme
- Assessing Risk in Sex Offenders - A Practitioner's Guide
- Assessment and Treatment of Sex Offenders - A Handbook
- Assessment and Treatment of Sexual Offenders with Intellectual Disabilities - A Handbook
- Assessment and Treatment of Women Offenders - An Integrative Perspective
- Assessment and Treatment Planning for PTSD
- Assessments in Forensic Practice - A Handbook
- Attachment and Sexual Offending - Understandingand Applying Attachment Theory to the Treatment of Juvenile Sexual Offenders
- Attachment in Intellectual and Developmental Disability - A Clinician's Guide to Practice and Research
- Attention, Balance and Coordination - The A.B.C.of Learning Success 2e
- Audel Water Well Pumps and Systems Mini-Ref
- Badlands of the Republic - Space, Politics and Urban Policy
- Banking Across Boundaries - Placing Finance in Capitalism
- Beating Combat Stress - 101 Techniques for Recovery
- Becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist: From Classroom to Consulting Room
- Behavioral Case Formulation and Intervention - A Functional Analytic Approach
- Best Practices in School Neuropsychology: Guidelines for Effective Practice, Assessment, and Evidence-Based Intervention
- Between Skins - The Body in Psychoanalysis - Contemporary Developments
- Beyond Common Sense
- Beyond Reasonable Doubt - Reasoning Processes in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Related Disorders
- Beyond the Box - Extending the TV Text
- Beyond the Bubble Test: How Performance Assessments Support 21st Century Learning
- Biological Anthropology of the Human Skeleton, Second Edition
- Biomolecular Archaeology
- Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology
- Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Evolution
- Blackwell Handbook of Adolescence
- Blackwell Handbook of Childhood Cognitive Development
- Blackwell Handbook of Early Childhood Development
- Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development
- Blackwell Handbook of Judgment and Decision Making
- Blackwell Handbook of Language Development
- Blackwell Handbook of Mentoring
- Blackwell Handbook of Sensation and Perception
- Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology - Intraindividual Processes
- Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Group Processes
- Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Intergroup Processes
- Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes
- Blended Learning in Higher Education: Framework, Principles, and Guidelines
- Blood Will Out - Essays on Liquid Transfers and Flows
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder - A Treatment Manual
- Body Work in Health and Social Care - Critical Themes, New Agendas
- Brain Development and Cognition: A Reader, Second Edition
- Brain2Brain: Enacting Client Change Through the Persuasive Power of Neuroscience
- Brain-Based Therapy with Adults: Evidence-Based Treatment for Everyday Practice
- Brain-Based Therapy with Children and Adolescents: Evidence-Based Treatment for Everyday Practice
- Breaking Negative Relationship Patterns - A Schema Therapy Self-Help and Support Book
- Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns - A Schema Therapy Self-Help and Support Book
- Breakthroughs in Literacy: Teacher Success Stories and Strategies, Grades K-8
- Bridging the Digital Divide - Technology, Community and Public Policy
- Brief History of Death
- Brief Integrated Motivational Intervention - A Treatment Manual for Co-occuring Mental Health and Substance Use Problems
- Brief Psychological Interventions in Practice
- Britain and the Middle East in the 9/11 Era
- Building Blocks for Learning Occupational Therapy Approaches - Practical Strategies for the Inclusion of Special Needs in Primary School
- Building Contract Casebook
- Building Contract Claims 4e
- Building Contract Claims 5e
- Building Contract Dictionary 3e
- Building Law Encyclopaedia
- Building Team-Based Working - A Practical Guide to Organizational Transformation
- Bullying Interventions in Schools: Six Basic Approaches
- Business Psychology in Practice
- Business Site Selection, Location Analysis and GIS
- Capital Culture -
- Capitalism and Conservation
- Cardiac Rehabilitation - A Workbook for Use with Group Programmes
- Career Paths - Charting Courses to Success for Organizations and Their Employees
- Careers in 21st Century Applied Anthropology oBook
- Careers in Anthropology
- Case Studies in Applied Psychophysiology - Neurofeedback and Biofeedback Treatments for Advances in Human Performance
- Categorical Statistics for Communication Research
- Causation and Delay in Construction Disputes Second Edition
- CBT For Anxiety Disorders - A Practitioner Book
- CBT for Appearance Anxiety - Psychosocial Interventions for Anxiety due to Visible Difference
- CBT for Hoarding Disorder - A Group Therapy Program Workbook
- CBT for Psychological Well-Being in Cancer - A Skills Training Manual Integrating DBT, ACT, Behavioral Activation and Motivational Interviewin
- CBT for Schizophrenia - Evidence-Based Interventions and Future Directions
- CEH v9: Certified Ethical Hacker Version 9 Study Guide
- Challenging the Stigma of Mental Illness - Lessons for Therapists and Advocates
- Change in Organizations
- Change Leadership in Higher Education: A Practical Guide to Academic Transformation
- Changing Outcomes in Psychosis - Collaborative Cases from Practitioners, Users and Carers
- Changing Realities of Work and Family
- Cheating in School - What We Know and What We Can Do
- Chern on Dispute Boards
- Child Psychology and Psychiatry - Frameworks for Clinical Training and Practice 3e
- Child-Centered Play Therapy Research: The Evidence Base for Effective Practice
- Children and Play
- Children and Social Exclusion - Morality, Prejudice and Group Identity
- Children Behaving Badly? - Peer Violence Between Children and Young People
- Children, Health and Well-being - Policy Debatesand Lived Experience
- Children's Learning in a Digital World
- Children's Moral Lives - An Ethnographic and Psychological Approach
- Children's Testimony - A Handbook of Psychological Research and Forensic Practice
- Children's Testimony - A Handbook of Psychological Research and Forensic Practice 2e
- Choice - Challenges and Perspectives for the European Welfare States
- Chronic Physical Disorders - Behavioral Medicine's Perspective
- Ciba Foundation Symposium - Caste and Race - Comparative Approaches
- Ciba Foundation Symposium - The Family and its Future
- Ciba Foundation Symposium 1 - Civilization and Science - In Conflict or Collaboration
- Ciba Foundation Symposium 30 - The Future of Philanthropic Foundations
- Ciba Foundation Symposium 33 - Parent - Infant Interaction
- Ciba Foundation Symposium 89 - Temperamental Differences in Infants and Young Children
- Cinema and the City - Film and Urban Societies ina Global Context
- Cities after Socialism - Urban and Regional Changeand Conflict in Post-Socialist Societies
- Cities and Visitors - Regulating People, Markets,and City Space
- Cities in Relations - Trajectories of Urban Development in Hanoi and Ouagadougou
- Cities of Europe - Changing Contexts, Local Arrangement and the Challenge to Urban Cohesion+CD
- Cities of Whiteness
- Cities War and Terrorism
- Clients with Complex Needs - Interprofessional Practice
- Climate and Society in Colonial Mexico
- Clinical and Educational Child Psychology - An Ecological-Transactional Approach to Developmental Problems and Interventions
- Clinical Case Formulation - Varieties of Approaches
- Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology - From Theory to Practice 3e
- Clinical Neuropsychology - A Practical Guide to Assessment and Management for Clinicians
- Clinical Psychology and People with Intellectual Disabilities 2e
- Clinician's Guide to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Coaching Psychology - A Practitioner's Guide
- Co-design in Living Labs for Healthcare and Independent Living: Concepts, Methods and Tools
- Cognitive Approaches to the Assessment of Sexual Interest in Sexual Offenders
- Cognitive Behavior Therapies--Basics and Beyond: A Guidebook for Counselors
- Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Core Principles for Practice
- Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy - Challengesand Opportunities
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy for Dental Phobia and Anxiety
- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Older People
- Cognitive Hypnotherapy - An Integrated Approach to the Treatment of Emotional Disorders
- Cognitive Self Change - How Offenders Experiencethe World and What We Can Do About It
- Cognitive Therapy for Addiction - Motivation and Change
- Cognitive Therapy for Bipolar Disorder - A Therapist's Guide to Concepts, Methods and Practice 2e
- Cognitive Therapy for Chronic and Persistent Depression
- Cognitive Therapy in Groups - Guidelines and Resources for Practice 2e
- Cognitive-Behavioural Integrated Treatment (C-BIT) - A Treatment Manual for Substance Misuse in People with Severe Mental Health Problems
- Cognitive-Behavioural Management of Tic Disorders
- Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for ADHD in Adolescents and Adults - A Psychological Guide to Practice 2e
- Collective Intelligence Development in Business
- College and Career Ready: Helping All Students Succeed Beyond High School
- Combining CBT and Medication: An Evidence-Based Approach
- Commodity Chains and World Cities
- Communication in Healthcare Settings
- Communication in Investigative and Legal Contexts - Integrated Approaches from Psychology, Linguistics and Law Enforcement
- Communications and Mobility - the Mobile Phone,the Migrant,and the Container Box
- Communications Writing and Design: The Integrated Manual for Marketing, Advertising, and Public Relations
- Community Psychology - Challenges, Controversiesand Emerging Consensus
- Community Treatment of Eating Disorders
- Companion to Biological Anthropology
- Companion to Cognitive Anthropology
- Companion to Cultural Resource Management
- Companion to Environmental Geography
- Companion to Human Geography
- Companion to Latin American Anthropology
- Companion to Medical Anthropology
- Companion to Psychological Anthropology: Modernity and Psychocultural Change
- Companion to Social Archaeology
- Companion to Television
- Companion to the Anthropology of Education
- Companion to the Anthropology of India
- Companion to the Anthropology of the Body
- Comparative Politics - Principles of Democracy and Democratization
- Competence in the Law: From Legal Theory to Clinical Application
- Complex Locations - Womens Geographical Work inthe UK 1850-1970
- Composing Research, Communicating Results
- Comprehensive Handbook of Clinical Health Psychology
- Comprehensive Handbook of Psychological Assessment Volume 1: Intellectual and Neuropsychological Assessment
- Computational Models of Brain and Behavior
- Computer-Based Testing and the Internet - Issuesand Advances
- Concise Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Conducting Psychological Assessment: Practitioners
- Connectionism - A Hands-on Approach
- Construction Adjudication 2e
- Construction Claims & Responses - Effective Writing and Presentation
- Construction Claims and Responses - Effective Writing & Presentation, 2e
- Construction Law in the United Arab Emirates andthe Gulf
- Construction Law: An Introduction for Engineers, Architects, and Contractors
- Construction Mediation
- Consultancy and Advising in Forensic Practice - Empirical and Practical Guidelines
- Contemporary Issues in Family Studies - Global Perspectives on Partnerships, Parenting and Support in a Changing World
- Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology - Global Perspectives on Research and Practice V2
- Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology - Global Perspectives on Research and Practice, V 3
- Contemporary Occupational Health Psychology - Global Perspectives on Research and Practice, V1
- Contemporary Urban Japan
- Content Matters: A Disciplinary Literacy Approachto Improving Student Learning
- Contesting the Indian City - Global Visions andthe Politics of the Local
- Continuing Professional Development for Clinical Psychologists - A Practical Handbook
- Contract Documentation for Contractors 3e
- Contracting-out Welfare Services - Comparing National Policy Designs for Unemployment Assistance
- Controlling Uncertainty - Decision Making and Learning in Complex Worlds
- Coping with Work Stress - A Review and Critique
- Core Principles of Meditation for Therapy: Improving the Outcomes of Psychotherapeutic Treatments
- Cost-Benefit Analysis and Public Policy
- Counseling Psychology - An Integrated Positive Psychological Approach
- Counselling and Helping 2e
- Counselling and Spiritual Accompaniment - Bridging Faith and Person-Centred Therapy
- Creating Effective Mental and Primary Health Care Teams
- Creating Prehistory - Druids Ley Hunters and Other Archaeologists
- Creating Safer Organisations - Practical Steps to Prevent the Abuse of Children by Those Working With Them
- Creative Breakthroughs in Therapy: Tales of Transformation and Astonishment
- Crime and Social Policy
- Critical Neuroscience: A Handbook of the Socialand Cultural Contexts of Neuroscience
- Critical Reading Across the Curriculum: Humanities,Volume 1
- Cultural Adaptation of CBT for Serious Mental Illness - A Guide for Training and Practice
- Cultural Diversity and Global Media
- Culture and Crisis Communication: Transboundary Cases from Nonwestern Perspectives
- Culture and Mental Health - Sociocultural Influences, Theory, and Practice
- Culture as Embodiment - The social tuning ofbehavior
- Curriculum Instruction and Leadership in Engineering Education
- CWSP: Certified Wireless Security Professional Study Guide CWSP-205, 2nd Edition
- CWTS, CWS, and CWT Complete Study Guide: Exams PW0-071, CWS-2017, CWT-2017
- Cyber Bullying - Bullying in the Digital Age
- Cyberbullying in the Global Playground - Researchfrom International Perspectives
- Daily Knowledge Valuation in Organizations: Traceability and Capitalization
- David Harvey: A Critical Reader
- Decolonizing Development - Colonial Power and the Maya
- Defective Construction Work
- Delay Analysis in Construction Contracts 2e
- Democracy and Disenfranchisement
- Depression in Children and Adolescents
- Depressive Rumination - Nature, Theory and Treatment
- Desert Peoples
- Design Liability in the Construction Industry 5e
- Designing and Implementing Global Selection Systems
- Designing Teacher Evaluation Systems: New Guidance from the Measures of Effective Teaching Project
- Designing Workplace Mentoring Programs - An Evidence-Based Approach
- Destructive Myths in Family Therapy: How to Overcome Barriers to Communication by Seeing and Saying - A Humanistic Approach
- Detecting Deception - Current Challenges and Cognitive Approaches
- Deutsche Forschung in der Antarktis - Wissenschaftlicher Fortschritt und Perspektiven
- Developing and Delivering Practice-Based Evidence- A Guide for the Psychological Therapies
- Developing Language and Literacy - Effective Intervention in the Early Years
- Developing Reading Comprehension
- Developing Women Leaders
- Development Communication - Reframing the Role ofthe Media
- Developmental Problems of Childhood and Adolescence: Prevention, Treatment and Training
- Developmental Psychology in Action
- Developmental Psychology in Historical Perspective
- Developmental Psychopathology, Second Edition, Volume One: Theory and Method
- Developmental Psychopathology, Second Edition, Volume Three: Risk, Disorder, and Adaptation
- Developmental Psychopathology, Second Edition, Volume Two: Developmental Neuroscience
- Diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders - A Lifespan Perspective
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy - A Contemporary Guide for Practitioners
- Diasporas in Dialogue: Conflict Transformation and Reconciliation in Worldwide Refugee Communities
- Dictionary of Archaeology
- Dictionary of Artifacts
- Digital Futures for Cultural and Media Studies
- Digital Media Law
- Disability and Discourse - Analysing Inclusive Conversation with People with Intellectual Disabilities
- Disorders of Personality: Introducing a DSM/ICD Spectrum from Normal to Abnormal Third Edition
- Distance and E-learning in Transition
- Doing Social Psychology Research
- Doing Therapy with Children and Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome
- Domestic Violence and Family Safety - A Systemic Approach to Working with Violence in Families
- Domesticating Neoliberalism - Spaces of Economic Practice and Social Reproduction in Post Socialist Cities
- Domicile and Diaspora - Anglo-Indian Women and the Spatial Politics of Home
- Double Vision - Anthropologists at Law
- Down Syndrome Across the Life Span
- Driving Spaces - A Cultural-Historical Geographyof England's M1 Motorway
- Dunes - Dynamics, Morphology, History
- Dynamic Assessment, Intelligence and Measurement
- Dynamics of Organizational Change and Learning
- Dyslexia - A Complete Guide for Parents and Those Who Help Them 2e
- Dyslexia - A Practitioner's Handbook 4e
- Dyslexia - An Introduction Guide 2e
- Dyslexia - Students in Need
- Dyslexia and Employment - A Guide for Assessors, Trainers and Managers
- Dyslexia and Learning Style - A Practitioner's Handbook 2e
- Dyslexia in Context - Research, Policy and Practice
- Dyslexia in the Workplace - An Introductory Guide2e
- Dyslexia Matters
- Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Mathematics
- Early Detection and Cognitive Therapy for Peopleat High Risk of Developing Psychosis - A Treatment Approach
- Early Human Kinship - From Sex to Social Reproduction
- Early Intervention: The Essential Reading
- Eating and its Disorders
- Economic Psychology
- Economic Sociology - State, Market, and Society in Modern Capitalism
- Education Nation: Six Leading Edges of Innovationin our Schools
- Educational Neuroscience - Initiatives and Emerging Issues
- Educational Testing - a Competence-Based Approach
- Electronic Technologies and Instruction - Tools, Users and Power
- Emerging Perspectives on Substance Misuse
- Emile Durkheim - Sociologist of Modernity
- Emotion-Focused Cognitive Therapy
- Emotions - A Brief History
- Empirical Research in Teaching and Learning - Contributions from Social Psychology
- Employee Well-being Support - A Workplace Resource
- Encyclopedia of Positive Psychology
- Energy Storage
- Engaging 'Hard to Reach' Parents - Teacher-Parent Collaboration to Promote Children's Learning
- Entangled: An Archaeology of the Relationshipsbetween Humans and Things
- Enterprising Nature - Economics, Markets, and Finance in Global Biodiversity Politics
- Environmental Social Science
- Ethical Practice in Psychology - Reflectionsfrom the creators of the APS Code of Ethics
- Ethics for a Digital Era
- Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counseling: A Practical Guide, Fourth Edition
- Ethnicity, Health and Health Care - Understanding Diversity , Tackling Disadvantage
- European Migration Policies in Flux
- European Review of Social Psychology V12
- Eurostars and Eurocities
- Evaluating Contract Claims 2e
- Evaluating Family Support - Thinking Internationally, Thinking Critically
- Evaluating Research Methods in Psychology - A Case Study Approach
- Everyday Moral Economies - Food, Politics and Scale in Cuba
- Everyday Peace? - Politics, Citizenship and Muslim Lives in India
- Evidence and Evaluation in Social Policy
- Evidence Based Clinical Supervision - Principlesand Principles
- Evidence-Based CBT for Anxiety and Depression in Children and Adolescents: A Competencies Based Approach
- Evidence-Based CBT Supervision - Principles and Practice, 2nd Edition
- Evidence-Based Practice and Intellectual Disabilities
- Evidence-Based Practice in Infant and Early Childhood Psychology
- Evidence-Based Psychotherapy: The State of the Science and Practice
- Evocative Coaching: Transforming Schools One Conversation at a Time
- Evolutionary Thought in Psychology - A Brief History
- Experimental Design and Statistics for Psychology A First Course
- Experiments in Holism - Theory and Practice in Contemporary Anthropology
- Explaining the Breakdown of Ethnic Relations
- Exploring Cognitive Development Problem Solver
- Family Matters - The Importance of Mattering to Family in Adolescence
- Family Therapy - Concepts, Process and Practice 2e
- Fashioning Globalisation - New Zealand Design, Working Women and the Cultural Economy
- Fathering and Child Outcomes
- Female Aggression
- Female Sexual Offenders - Theory, Assessment and Treatment
- FIDIC Plant and Design-Build Forms of Contract Illustrated
- Filipino American Psychology: A Handbook of Theory, Research, and Clinical Practice
- First Islanders: Prehistory and Human Migration in Island Southeast Asia
- Fluvial Remote Sensing for Science and Management
- Forensic Assessment of Violence Risk: A Guide for Risk Assessment and Risk Management
- Forensic Case Formulation
- Forensic CBT - A Handbook for Clinical Practice
- Forensic Child Psychology: Working in the Courts and Clinic
- Form of Cities - Political Economy and Urban Design
- Foundations of Special Education - An Introduction
- Fractal Geography
- Free Markets and Food Riots
- Freud - A Modern Reader
- Friends, Lovers and Groups - Key Relationships in Adolescence
- From Health Behaviours to Health Practices - Critical Perspectives
- From Pain to Violence - The Traumatic Roots of Destructiveness 2e
- From Therapist to Coach: How to Leverage Your Clinical Expertise to Build a Thriving Coaching Practice
- From Timid To Tiger - A Treatment Manual for Parenting the Anxious Child
- From World City to the World in One City - Liverpool through Malay Lives
- Frontier Road - Power, History, and the Everyday State in the Colombian Amazon
- Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology, Online Version
- Fundamentals of Spatial Data Quality
- Future Families: Diverse Forms, Rich Possibilities
- G is for Genes: The Impact of Genetics on Education and Achievement
- Gender and Child Welfare in Society
- Gender, Myths and Feminist Fables - The Strugglefor Interpretive Power in Gender and DevelopmentoBook
- Geo-Business: GIS in the Digital Organization
- Geographic Information Analysis, Second Edition
- Geographical Information and Urban Transport Systems
- Geographical Information Retrieval in Textual Corpora
- Geographies and Moralities: International Perspectives on Development, Justice and Place
- Geographies of British Modernity - Space and Society in the Twentieth Century
- Geographies of Power - Placing Scale
- Geomorphology of Upland Peat - Erosion, Form and Landscape Change
- Geopolitics and Expertise - Knowledge and Authority in European Diplomacy
- Geopolitics and the Post-Colonial-Rethinking North-South Relations
- Gestalt Therapy Around the World
- Getting Better at Private Practice
- Getting Into Local Power - The Politics of Ethnic Minorities in British and French Cities
- Ghosts of Memory - Essays
- Gifts, Talents and Education - A Living Theory Approach
- GIS Data Conversion Handbook
- GIS Data Sources
- Global Assemblages
- Global Displacements - The Making of Uneven Development in the Caribbean
- Global Ecosystems - Creating Options Through Anthropological Perspectives
- Global Positioning System
- Globalised Minds, Roots in the City - Urban Upper- Middle Classes in Europe
- Globalizing Cities
- Globalizing Responsibility - The Political Rationalities of Ethical Consumption
- Globalizing South China
- Governing Global Land Deals - The Role of the State
- Gramsci - Space, Nature, Politics
- Great Myths of Education and Learning
- Great Myths of Intimate Relationships: Dating, Sex, and Marriage
- Greek Archaeology - A Thematic Approach
- Grendon and the Emergence of Forensic Therapeutic Communities - Developments in Research and Practice
- Grounding Globalization - South Strikes Back oBook
- Group Analytic Psychotherapy in Practice - Meeting of Minds
- Group Psychotherapy and Addiction
- Group Schema Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder - A Step-by-Step Treatment Manual with Patient Workbook
- Group Work With Persons With Disabilities
- Guide to Teaching Introductory Psychology
- Guide to Teaching Statistics
- Guide to the English School in International Studies
- Handbook of Adolescent Psychology, Second Edition
- Handbook of Applied Cognition 2e
- Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Handbook of Child and Adolescent Drug and Substance Abuse: Pharmacological, Developmental, and Clinical Considerations
- Handbook of Child Sexual Abuse:ssessment, and Treatment
- Handbook of Clinical Health Psychology
- Handbook of Cognition and Emotion
- Handbook of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Handbook of Developmental Sciences, Behavior,and Genetics
- Handbook of Eating Disorders 2e
- Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes
- Handbook of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies - A Guide for Research and Practice
- Handbook of Experimental Phenomenology - Visual Perception of Shape, Space and Appearance
- Handbook of Family Psychology
- Handbook of Forensic Assessment: Psychological and Psychiatric Perspectives
- Handbook of Gerontology: Evidence-Based Approaches to Theory, Practice, and Policy
- Handbook of Interpersonal Psychology: Theory, Research, Assessment, and Therapeutic Interventions
- Handbook of Interventions that Work with Childrenand Adolescents - Prevention and Treatment
- Handbook of Jealousy
- Handbook of Mentalization-Based Treatment
- Handbook of Motivational Counseling - Concepts, Approaches and Assessment
- Handbook of Motivational Counseling - Goal-Based Approaches to Assessment and Intervention with Addiction and Other Problems, 2e
- Handbook of Personality and Health
- Handbook of Personality and Self-Regulation
- Handbook of Personality Assessment, Second Edition
- Handbook of Play Therapy, 2nd Edition
- Handbook of Prevention and Intervention Programs for Adolescent Girls
- Handbook of Psychology in Legal Contexts 2e
- Handbook of Psychology of Investigative Interviewing - Current Developments and Future Directions
- Handbook of Race, Racism, and the Developing Child
- Handbook of Recidivism Risk/Needs Assessment Tools
- Handbook of Research Methods in Clinical Psychology
- Handbook of Research Methods in Developmental Science
- Handbook of Research Methods in Experimental Psychology
- Handbook of Research Methods in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- Handbook of Research on Civic Engagement
- Handbook of Rhetoric and Public Address
- Handbook of Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders
- Handbook of Sport Psychology, Third Edition
- Handbook of Stress
- Handbook of the Clinical Psychology of Ageing 2e
- Handbook of the Teaching of Psychology
- Happiness at Work - Maximizing Psychological Capital for Success
- Happiness, Healing, Enhancement: Your Casebook Collection For Applying Positive Psychology in Therapy
- Harnessing America's Wasted Talent: A New Ecologyof Learning
- Healing Stress in Military Families: Eight Steps to Wellness
- Health of Women with Intellectual Disabilities
- Health Psychology in Action
- Health Psychology in Practice
- Helping Children with ADHD - A CBT Guide for Practioners, Parents and Teachers
- History of Autism
- History of Cognitive Neuroscience
- HOAI 2013 - Praxisleitfaden für Ingenieure und Architekten
- Homegirls - Language and Cultural Practice Among Latina Youth Gangs
- How To Improve Your Mind - Twenty Keys to Unlockthe Modern World
- How to Invent and Protect Your Invention: A Guideto Patents for Scientists and Engineers
- How to Succeed in College and Beyond - The Art of Learning
- Human Brain Evolution: The influence of freshwater and marine food resources
- Hypnosis - A Brief History
- IAAP Handbook of Applied Psychology
- ICE Conditions of Contract 7e
- Ideas of Landscape
- Identifying Perinatal Depression and Anxiety - Evidence-based Practice in Screening, Psychosocial Assessment and Management
- Identities in Context - Discourse in Action
- Identity and Participation in Culturally Diverse Societies - A Multidisciplinary Perspective
- Identity in Modern Society
- Imagination First: Unlocking the Power of Possibility
- Improving Intergroup Relations
- In the Nature of Landscape - Cultural Geography onthe Norfolk Broads
- Individual Differences & Development in Organizations
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